Posted on Jul 02, 2024
It was a wonderful evening for a Rotary Social gathering and induction of new officers  Thanks to Lynne & Hugh Grandstaff for opening your home to the Rotary Club of Waxahachie.
Outgoing President Ann Montgomery recognized her 2023-2024 Board  of Directors, Jerry Chapman, John Forest, Mike Tull, Lee Statham, Lynne Grandstaff, Dianne Ethridge, Kelly Saunders and Judy Demoney for their outstanding  service throughout the year.

After the induction, President Tom Ker introduced his Board of Directors, Jerry Chapman, John Forest, Mike Tull, Lee Statham, Dianne Ethridge, Nancy Clifford, Reyna Castillo, Secretary Lynne Grandstaff and Sargent at Arms, Melissa Ballard. 